What Is Thinkfree Office

Thinkfree Office NEO

Developer Name:Hancom, Inc.
Latest Version:1
Software Category:Business
Software Sub Category:Office Suites
Operating Systems:Windows, Mac, Android, Linux

ThinkFree Office 3 is a software program developed by ThinkFree. The setup package generally installs about 9 files. The installed file update.exe is the auto-update component of the program which is designed to check for software updates and notify and apply them when new versions are discovered. May 17, 2018  Overview of Thinkfree Features Cost-Effective MS Office Alternative. Feature-Rich Suite of Office Productivity Tools. Create Professional-Grade Content. Advanced Layout Options. Visual Object Support. Built-In Equation Editor. Track Changes and Comments. Translate To Multiple Languages.

Software Overview

Thinkfree Office NEO is the first web-based online office suite that is compatible with Microsoft Office programs. It provides a considerable amount of online storage for your documents (1GB), can upload files simultaneously, and checks for spelling mistakes as you type. Additionally, it has undo and redo buttons that come in handy when correcting errors. Finally, ThinkFree Office also has the ability to convert PDFs to office documents.

Associated Registry Keys


Supported File Extensions

File ExtensionFile Extension TypeFile Type Creator/Developer
CELLThinkfree Office NEO Cell WorkbookHancom, Inc.
DOCMicrosoft Word Document (before The 2007 Version)Microsoft Corporation
HWDTThinkfree Office NEO Word TemplateHancom, Inc.
SHOWThinkfree Office NEO Presentation DocumentHancom, Inc.
WRFThinkFree Write DocumentHancom, Inc.
XLSMicrosoft Excel 97 To 2003 SpreadsheetMicrosoft Corporation
XLSXMicrosoft Excel Open XML SpreadsheetMicrosoft Corporation

Related File Extensions

File ExtensionFile Extension TypeFile Type Creator/DeveloperSoftware
ACHRSLogix 5 Project FileRockwell Automation Inc.RSLogix 5
ACLAutoCorrect List FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Office
AHDDynamics AX Online Help Data FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Dynamics AX
AHIMicrosoft Dynamics AX Online Help IndexMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Dynamics AX
AIAdobe Illustrator FileAdobe Systems IncorporatedAdobe Illustrator CC
ANSANSI Text FileOpen SourceMicrosoft Notepad
AWTAbiWord TemplateAbisourceAbiWord
AXDASP.NET Web Handler FileMicrosoft CorporationLibreOffice
BAKGeneral Backup FileVarious DevelopersMicrosoft SQL Server
BBSBulletin Board System TextOpen SourceMicrosoft Notepad
BFOGT Nexus PDF TemplateUnknown DeveloperGT Nexus
CAGClipArt Gallery PackageMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft PowerPoint
CATWindows Catalog FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Windows
CELLThinkfree Office NEO Cell WorkbookHancom, Inc.Thinkfree Office NEO
CMPWindows Connection Manager ProfileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Windows Server 2016
CMRBKCaseMap ReportBook Definition FileLexisNexisCaseMap
CODCompiled Source CodeUnknown DeveloperMicrosoft Visual Studio
CRDGuitar TabsOpen SourceNotepad++
CSCCorel Script FileCorelCorel Photo-Paint
CTFWhereIsIt Catalog FileInterscapeWhereIsIt
CWSChordWizard Songtrix SongChordWizard Software Pty LtdChordWizard Songtrix
DBMobile Device Database FileDwayne Richard HippSQLite
DB2Samsung CCTV Video Information FileSamsung ElectronicsSamsung SmartViewer
DBFDatabase FiledBase, LLCMicrosoft Excel
DDSage MAS 90 Data FileSageSage MAS 90
DFMPascal FileOpen SourceNotepad++
DIFData Interchange FormatMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Excel
DNLConcordance Database FileLexisNexisLexisNexis Concordance
DOCMicrosoft Word Document (before The 2007 Version)Microsoft CorporationApache OpenOffice
DOTHTMLMicrosoft Word HTML Document TemplateMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Word
DSDAZ Studio 1/2 ScriptDAZ 3DDAZ Studio
DTDDocument Type Definition FileSyncro SoftMicrosoft Notepad
DYAAn Unknown Apple II FileDigiSoft InnovationsGolden Orchard
ECLTouhou Stage ScriptTeam Shanghai AliceTouhou ToolKit
EGPEasy Grade Pro Gradebook FileEdlineEdline Easy Grade Pro
EPBePublisher FileWebWorksePublisher
EUGAn Unknown Apple II FileDigiSoft InnovationsGolden Orchard
EXDControl Information Cache FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Excel
EXPSymbols Export FileUnknown DeveloperMicrosoft Visual Studio
FAFFProfessional Calc Spreadsheet FileUnknown DeveloperProfessional Calc
FAQFrequently Asked Questions DocumentThe Document FoundationLibreOffice
FFTAdobe Audition Noise Print FileAdobe Systems IncorporatedAdobe Audition
FOBDynamics NAV Object Container FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Dynamics NAV (Navision)
FOMEZ-Forms Fill Out Master FormEZFORMSEZ-Forms
FPFileMaker Pro SpreadsheetFileMaker Inc.FileMaker Pro
FPRAudit Workbench ProjectHewlett-PackardFortify Static Code Analyzer
FPTACT! Data FileSageAct!
G32Microsoft FRx General Ledger Index FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Dynamics AX
GBFGeneral Bible FormatYukuQuick Bible
GCSXMicrosoft Office SmartArt Color FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Office
GFWGIF World FileOpen SourceMicrosoft Notepad
GIMPlayStation Portable Image FileSonyRCO Editor
GLOXMicrosoft Office SmartArt Graphics Layout FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Excel
GNAGenigraphics Graphics Link Presentation FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft PowerPoint
GNXMicrosoft PowerPoint DataMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft PowerPoint
GRGX Resource Source FileGeosoftOasis montaj
H14H&R Block Canada 2014 Tax ReturnH&R BlockIntuit TurboTax
HDMHandheld Device Markup Language (HDML) FileOpenwave Systems LtdMicrosoft Notepad
HDPHD Photo FileMicrosoft CorporationAdobe Photoshop
HM3Help & Manual Help File ProjectEC SoftwareHelp & Manual
HOBOOnset Hobo Data Logger FileOnsetHOBOware
HWDTThinkfree Office NEO Word TemplateHancom, Inc.Thinkfree Office NEO
IATiAuditor TemplateSafetyCultureiAuditor
IFBOracle Siebel Interface Configuration FileOracle CorporationSiebel eBusiness
IM8Sun Raster Graphic FileSun MicrosystemsGIMP
INFOTexinfo DocumentGNU ProjectGNU Emacs
JCWJCross FileHalf-Baked SoftwareHot Potatoes
JSONMozilla Firefox Bookmarks BackupMozillaMozilla Firefox
K07Clarion Database KeySoftVelocityClarion
KNFOrchida Knitting System DataOrchida SoftOrchida Knitting System
LBLNow Contact Label TemplateInterscapeNow Up-to-Date (Now Contact)
LCTOracle Database Configuration FileOracle CorporationOracle Database
LGBQuickBooks Little Green BoxIntuit, Inc.QuickBooks
LMRQuickBooks Loan Manager DataIntuit, Inc.QuickBooks
LOKFileWrangler ArchiveCursorArts CompanyFileWrangler
LOTLaTeX List Of TablesLeslie LamportLaTex
LVPAvaya Voice Player Audio FileAvayaAvaya Voice Player
MAFMutation Annotation Format FileNational Cancer InstituteMicrosoft Notepad
MAINFileMaker Dictionary DataFileMaker Inc.FileMaker Pro
MASrFactor Track FileImage Space IncorporatedImage Space rFactor
MBOXE-mail MailboxUnknown DeveloperMozilla Thunderbird
METemporary Delete Me FileUnknown DeveloperUnknown Software
MERRSView Development Runtime FileRockwell Automation Inc.Rockwell Automation RSView Studio or RSView ME
METeMule Resource FileEmulex CorporationeMule
MKHWinMark Pro Mark DataSYNRADWinMark Pro
MMMMusic Maker Arrangement FileMagix Software GmbHMAGIX Music Maker
MRTStimulsoft Report FileStimulsoftStimulsoft Reports.Ultimate
MSBOracle Binary Message FileOracle CorporationOracle Database
MSH1XMLMonad Display Configuration FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Notepad
MTMMultiTracker ModuleVideoLANVLC Media Player
MUKerbal Space Program Mesh FileSquadSquad Kerbal Space Program
MWDMariner Write DocumentMariner SoftwareMariner Write
NDKLotus Notes Design Elements FileIBMIBM Lotus Notes
NICKMicrosoft Outlook Nickname FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Outlook
NLOLotus Notes Linked ObjectIBMIBM Lotus Notes
NNIANNI Information FileOolution TechnologiesANNI SOFTWARE
NPPortfolio NetPublish FileExtensisPortfolio
NS3Lotus Notes 3 DatabaseIBMIBM Lotus Notes
ODCOffice Data Connection FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Excel
OFFICEUIMicrosoft Office UI Customization FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Office
OKMOkMap Map Defining FileGian Paolo SaliolaOkMap
OLKOutlook Address Book FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Word
OMCSOffice Manager Access FileKrekelerKrekeler Office Manager Pro
OMPOpenMind Windows DocumentMatchWareMindView for Windows
ONETOC2Microsoft OneNote Table Of Contents FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft OneNote
OOTApache OpenOffice Text DocumentApache HTTP Project Management CommitteeApache OpenOffice
OPDOmniPage DocumentNuanceOmniPage
OTNOmniPage Training FileNuanceOmniPage
OTPOpenDocument PresentationOracle CorporationApache OpenOffice
OVOpenInsight Database Overflow DataRevelation SoftwareOpenInsight
P7MS/MIME Digitally Encrypted MessageSecCommerce Informationssysteme GmbHInfoNotary e-Doc Signer
PBPureBasic Source FileFantaisie SoftwarePureBasic
PDBProgram DatabaseVarious DevelopersMicrosoft Visual Studio
PFLPDFill Project FilePlotSoftPlotSoft PDFill
POTMPowerPoint Open XML Macro-Enabled Presentation TemplateMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft PowerPoint
PPIMicrosoft PowerPoint Graphics DataMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft PowerPoint
PPVPocket PowerPoint PresentationMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft PowerPoint
PR2dBASE IV Printer DriverdBase, LLCdBase
PR5MapSys Map FileGEOTOPMapSys
PRFOutlook Profile FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Outlook 2016
PROJApple NeXT Interface Builder ProjectAppleApple Interface Builder
PSRPowersoft Report FileSybase, IncPowerBuilder
PTCAbbyy Finereader FileABBYYABBYY FineReader
PYIIBM Cognos 7 FileIBMIBM Cognos Business Intelligence
QBECorel Quattro Pro Saved Query FileCorelCorel Quattro Pro
QSMQuickBooks Statement Wirter DataIntuit, Inc.Intuit QuickBooks for Mac
QUECuteFTP Queue DataGlobalSCAPECuteFTP
QVFQlikView Data FileQlikQlikTech International QlikView
RABBITUnknown Apple II File (Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)AppleGolden Orchard
RELSOpen Office XML Relationships FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Excel
RETBusinessObjects TemplateSAPSAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
RPJReal Pac Batch Job FileUni CompReal Pac
RTFRich Text Format FileMicrosoft CorporationCorel WordPerfect X8
RV4Taxpayer Data FileHC Sharp Software1040 Review
SAS7BDATSAS Data Set FileSAS Institute Inc.SAS
SAVSaved Game FileNintendoNo Cash GBA (No$GBA)
SDDSmart Diary Suite Data FileProgramming SunriseSmart Diary Suite
SDWMrSID World FileLizardTechESRI ArcGIS for Desktop
SDYStarMoney Financial DataStarMoneyStarMoney
SF12010 Census Summary File 1The U.S. Census BureauMicrosoft Access
SHOWThinkfree Office NEO Presentation DocumentHancom, Inc.Thinkfree Office NEO
SILKMicrosoft Excel Symbolic Link FormatMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Excel
SLKSymbolic Link FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Excel
SOUNDSQuake 3 Engine Sound Definition Fileid SoftwareMicrosoft Notepad
SPLWindows Print Spool FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Windows
SRGKetron Single Registration FileKetronKetron Software
SRLArquitienda Local Database FileProcedimientos-Uno, S.L.CFwin
SSCSourceSafe Status FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Visual Studio
SUSSAP Transactionware GM POS Xpress Suspended DataSAPSAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
SXDArcScene DocumentESRIESRI ArcGIS for Desktop
SXSSAS Stat Studio Module Source Code FileSAS Institute Inc.SAS
T99TaxCut Data FileH&R BlockTaxCut 2006
TBKToolBook Project FileSumTotal SystemsToolBook
TBLStarCraft Information TableBlizzard Entertainment Inc.StarCraft
TBMToribash Mod FileNabi StudiosToribash
TEMPLATEApple Pages TemplateAppleApple Pages
THMXMicrosoft Office 2007 Theme FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Excel
THPWii/GameCube Video Filethakisthpplay
TLRTableau Offline License Registration FileTableau SoftwareTableau Desktop
TSONX2 File 3D Faceted Spacial Volume DataSiemens AGSiemens PLM NX
TWBXTableau Packaged WorkbookTableau SoftwareTableau Desktop
TXDGame Texture DictionaryDK22PacMagic.TXD
UNVBusinessObjects Universe Data FileSAPSAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence
UPDProgram Update InformationVarious DevelopersMicrosoft Notepad
UXDCMicrosoft Excel Data Retrieval Service Connection FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Excel
UXFUMLet UML EXchange Format FileUMLet TeamUMLet
V11ESR V11 Databexio AGEinzahlungsschein mit Referenznummer (ESR)
VMXFVMware Team Member FileVMwareVMware Workstation
VSDMicrosoft Visio Drawing FileMicrosoft CorporationLibreOffice
VSSVisio Stencil FileThe Omni GroupMicrosoft Word 2016
VSTTarga Bitmap Image FileMicrosoft CorporationAdobe Illustrator CC
WB2Webshots Picture FileThreefold Photos, Inc.Webshots Desktop Connect
WFAWinFax Pro Archive FileSymantec CorporationWinFax
WK1Lotus WorksheetIBMMicrosoft Excel
WK4Lotus Lotus 1-2-3 V4 WorksheetIBMGnumeric
WKELotus 1-2-3 Educational Version WorksheetIBMMicrosoft Excel
WPTWordPerfect TemplateCorelCorel WordPerfect X8
WQ1Quattro Pro For DOS Spreadsheet FileCorelCorel Quattro Pro
WRFWebEx RecordingCisco SystemsCisco WebEx Player
WSCWonderSwan Color Game ROMOpen SourceOswan
WZSMicrosoft Word WizardMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Office
XCHLinkAssistant ProjectLink-Assistant.comLinkAssistant
XEFeManager Form DataX-Genics LimitedX-Genics eManager
XEPeManager File Packaging InformationX-Genics LimitedX-Genics eManager
XFILatex Figures FileLeslie LamportLaTex
XLRMicrosoft Works SpreadsheetMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Excel
XLSMicrosoft Excel 97 To 2003 SpreadsheetMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Excel
XLSXMicrosoft Excel Open XML SpreadsheetMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Excel
XLTXExcel Open XML Spreadsheet TemplateMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Excel
XMNSprintometer DocumentSergei AndrzeevskySprintometer Pro
XRFFExtensible Attribute-Relation File FormatUniversity of WaikatoWeka
XSNInfoPath Form Template FileMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft InfoPath
XVMVMware Console Configuration FileVMwareVMware Workstation
ZMGZoneAlarm Mailsafe Renamed DataCheck Point Software Technologies Ltd.WinZip
ZVXR&S VNA Setup DataRohde & SchwarzZVA Vector Network Analyzers

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ThinkFree Office 3

What Is Thinkfree Office

ThinkFree Office 3 offers both a conventional desktop productivity suite with word-processing, spreadsheet, presentation and e-mail programs, and a free, Web-based version, ThinkFree Office Online, that runs inside your browser. You don't need the desktop edition to use ThinkFree online.

Since both versions use Microsoft file formats, such as DOC, they're ready for Microsoft Office users willing to defect. ThinkFree is one of few online suites to support the new, XML-based files for Microsoft Office 2007. ThinkFree Office isn't a clone of Microsoft Office; it covers the basics well but lacks essential features. ThinkFree's Write word processor, for instance, lacks the collaborative editing tools of Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect. In our tests, ThinkFree's Show presentation program wouldn't play audio clips from PowerPoint presentations.

Similarly, ThinkFree Office Online is a clever idea but needs more polish. This free, Web-based suite provides a generous 1GB of online storage and runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows systems. The Web-based tools may come in handy if you use the desktop version of ThinkFree Office and need to access your files and functions online while you travel. But the ThinkFree Office Online has several shortcomings. For instance, you can open only one file at a time per application.

What Is Thinkfree Office

The ThinkFree Office 3 desktop suite is available via CD or download, and it runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows systems. Version 3 installs easily, and setup took only five minutes on our Windows PC. The Web-based, Java-enabled version, ThinkFree Office Online, runs inside any Web browser via a high-speed Internet connection. The Basic online edition is free, while the Premium edition in beta testing will offer file synchronization and 24 hour tech support for $7 per month.There's no setup involved, although you will have to register to use the program.


One caveat about ThinkFree Online: the first time you use one of its three applications, be prepared to wait a couple of minutes while enabling Java. The next time you use the program, it should load quickly. In our tests, for instance, Write took more than two minutes to load the first time we ran it but only 20 seconds the second time. Keep in mind, however, that if you clear your browser cache, you'll return to ThinkFree Online's agonizingly slow launch. Having to click through pop-ups to enable Java applets is also annoying.

Still, ThinkFree insists that, while its Java technologies may lead to longer file-loading times, they can manage complex operations quickly. Indeed, in our tests, we found that ThinkFree Online Calc pasted hundreds of spreadsheet rows faster than AJAX-based Google Spreadsheets. Plus, you can choose to run ThinkFree apps in QuickEdit mode to shave off some loading time.

What Is Thinkfree Office

Which is which? A side-by-side comparison shows the striking resemblance between Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 and ThinkFree Office Show 3.

Thinkfree Office Download For Windows

ThinkFree Online opens a new window for each application. You can keep Write, Calc, and Show open simultaneously, but each program can display only one open document at a time. We'd prefer that ThinkFree let us skip between documents within one window under an arrangement such as tabs. It takes longer to open and save work than Google does, which is irksome when you're in midthought. Luckily, however, there's a 10MB size limit per file--far larger than the 500K maximum within Google Docs & Spreadsheets.

With its emphasis on interoperability with Microsoft Office, it's no surprise that both the desktop and online versions of ThinkFree Office mimic Redmond's look and feel. The toolbars and the icons vary slightly, but Microsoft Office 2003 users will feel right at home. In fact, the first time we launched Show, we thought we had loaded PowerPoint by mistake (see side-by-side screenshots). Similarly, Write and Calc do their best Word and Excel impersonations.

Thinkfree Office For Windows 10

Like its online counterpart, ThinkFree Office 3 provides the core applications that people use the most: a word processor, a spreadsheet maker, and a presentation-graphics creator. Affordably priced at $50 for the desktop edition, this suite lacks extras such as a database.

Thinkfree Office

By contrast, Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 has Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote for $150. Apple iWork costs about half that, but with fewer features. The new three-app Lotus Symphony beta is a good, free package. For true bargain hunters, OpenOffice.org 2, the open-source version of Sun Microsystems' solid productivity suite StarOffice 8, each includes a database and won't cost you a penny.